The North Queensland Law Association was established on January 25, 1959. It became an incorporated entity in 1998, adopting the name North Queensland Law Association Inc.

According to its Constitution, the Association’s objectives are:

  1.  To foster confidence and goodwill between the community and the legal profession;
  2.  To foster confidence and goodwill among Association members and the legal profession at large;
  3.  To advocate for and safeguard the interests of the legal profession;
  4.  To advocate for and safeguard the community’s interests concerning the law, promoting improvements in legal standards and administration;
  5.  To collaborate with the Queensland Law Society Incorporated on all professional matters.

The Management Committee of the Association consists of:

  1. A President and Vice President;
  2. 9 other members;
  3. 6 being Committee Members elected at the AGM each year; and
  4. 3 other people either being the President of each District Law Association or a representative of each of the District Law Associations;
  5. A Secretary;
  6. A Treasurer;
  7. The immediate past President of the Association;
  8. Any member of the Association who is also a member of the Council of Queensland Law Society Inc.

Since its commencement, the North Queensland Law Association has appointed numerous life members in recognition of their contribution to the Association. Life members appointed to date are:

  1. Raoul Guides
  2. Peter Apel
  3. Bill Gillman (Dec’d)
  4. Dom Martinez (Dec’d)
  5. Jim Thompson
  6. Hall Westaway
  7. Ian Roberts (Dec’d)
  8. Jim Carey (Dec’d)
  9. Graham Roberts
  10. Russell Sherrington
  11. Norm Brown (Dec’d)
  12. David Glasgow (resigned – appointed Qld Magistrate – now in Townsville)
  13. The HON Justice James Barry (Dec’d)
  14. John Francis
  15. Ian MacDonald (resigned – elected Federal Senator for Qld and Fisheries Minister in the Howard Government)
  16. Magistrate Rob Spencer – Appointed Queensland Magistrate in Cairns
  17. The Honourable Judge John Coker – Federal Circuit Court Townsville
  18. Vince Vandeleur
  19. Tom Covacevich (Dec’d)
  20. George Roberts (Dec’d)
  21. Justice Sir George Kneipp (Dec’d)
  22. Magistrate Steven Mosch – Queensland Magistrate – Townsville
  23. Emma Coburn
  24. Tony Collins
  25. Heather Humphries
  26. Andrew Philp KC
  27. Spencer Browne
  28. Deanne Drummond

The NQLA Inc has developed and maintains this site for the benefit of its members and for all persons interested in legal matters. Our aim is to provide a quality point of reference to our members and others.